It’s Time To Visit the Best Transmission Shop near Chicago

by | Jul 13, 2020 | Automotive

When the time comes that your car is giving you signals that it needs a little TLC then who do you take your car to? There are a large number of transmission shops out there so who do you decide to leave your precious ride? I’m sure you have had to deal with a few repair shops in your days or at least you may have heard your dad talk about it. It’s time for you to take that plunge. Most car owners these days tend to purchase new vehicles and trade every couple of years thus lowering the need to have a transmission shop on reserve. New cars should be repair free but you do occasionally have an issue, at that point you would go to your dealership for warranty service. When your vehicle is older you have to keep your eyes and ears open for signs and signals your car is giving you for repairs and at that point later in years or higher in mileage you will need to visit the best transmission shop in Chicago.

Finding a best transmission shop in Chicago can be nerve racking when you don’t know much about cars or mechanics. You want to know you are at a trusted establishment and where you will get your money’s worth. Ask around first. Ask your friends and family whom they would recommend. You can even turn to service review websites online to help you find a trusted mechanic in your area. Find at least three transmission shops to check with.

When you find a few to check with you can and should check with the ATRA, Automatic Transmission Rebuilders Association. If your shop is a member with them then you know they are in compliance of higher guidelines.

Visit each shop and have them to give you an estimate. This should be free. Have them to write out your needed repairs and quote a price for your transmission repair. Make sure to have the quote in writing. Check with all three transmission shops. Based on the quotes given and how you were treated will help you determine which transmission shop to choose. If you feel uneasy with one of them don’t go there. If a price is cheaper than the one you favor then take the favored transmission shop the quote from the other shop and see if he will negotiate the price at all.

When you make your appointment check to see how long the service will take. You may want to leave your car there and go do other things until it is ready. In this case see if your transmission shop has a shuttle service to area places or have someone to meet you there and take you where you need to go then be able to bring you back.

Are you looking for a transmission shop? S-O-S Transmissions is the most trusted transmission shop in Chicago. Visit them to set up your repair appointment.

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